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An Improved Software Suite

Swift is a collaborative effort to transform our legacy ATLAS system with upgraded features and functionality. Think of Swift as a digital transformation replacement for ATLAS.

Swift is a new, easy-to-use, integrated software suite for automating and optimizing your Refined Product's business.

Known Bug

User Permissions within Swift Not Saving

When a Security Administrator needs to create or edit user permissions within Swift, they are currently unable to save these settings due to a known bug. The Swift team is actively working toward a resolution and supporting customers directly for any immediate needs.

After a user is successfully invited and set up in the Customer Portal, and the user's next step is provisioning Swift access, please email:,,

In that email, please provide:

1. User’s first and last name

2. User’s email 

3. Which modules need access: Inventory, Shipping, Loading, Global

4. Access type for each: 1) View or 2) View and Manage


Swift Releases

In order to experience the most updated release features, please ensure you’re on the most current version of Swift: Version 1.20.2 

To update your browser, please refresh by completing a FULL browser empty cache and hard reload. Some companies do not allow automatic refreshes and a user-triggered refresh is recommended. You can perform by right-clicking the refresh button by your browser URL and select Empty Cache and Hard Reload.

Click and Expand to See Release Items

Swift 1.15.1


Inventory Reporting

  • Booking History Report: Transactions outside of end date selected in filter are resolved.

  • Full product list shows on Booking History overview screen

  • Date / Time Bucket Fixes:

    1. Results in all inventory reporting should return based on the user's selected date and time range within the reporting headers, consistent with business booked date, not transaction date.

    2. Adding a Booked Business Date column for all inventory reporting results. 

      • This date addition should further validate your sum total count.  

      • You can filter by transaction date with use of additional filters.


  • The proper reconsignment volume is correctly reflected and displayed when multiple sources are used on a Reconsignment




  • Distributed volume amount(s) are now visible for completed distributions on the View Closed Distribution details



Customer Authorizations

  • Address Requirement within Customer Authorizations is no longer required.  This includes + New Customer Authorization setup as well as when editing the authorization.

    • Users no longer have to put the number and street name in the address

    • "Various" as a city can now be entered and used

  • Removal of products from a Loading Control Number (LCN) is now available

Supplier Authorizations

  • Successfully complete a Supplier Authorization (no lightbulb error)



  • After a successful full refresh (Empty Cache and Hard Reload) and on Swift version 1.15.1, users can see all assigned modules



Vote and Continue Your

Swift Journey

Watch the recorded educational sessions for Swift feature focus and Q&A sessions.  We aim to help you better understand and learn Swift.

Swift Sessions are Returning!   Go vote.

Your vote directly influences Swift features you want to learn about and add to the schedule. 

More Value in Every Feature

Swift aims to improve every aspect of your engagement. Below are the available features available now. Shift your day-to-day work to Swift! 

Outcomes from Swift

Understand what Swift can help you achieve and the ways it can help you and your business.


Less Errors

Reduce Costly Errors

Currency rate

More Insights

Driven Intelligent Decision Making

Group 14-3

New Features

Creating Ways to Partner Together

Group 16-4

Minimal Training

More Intuitive CX

Edit profile

Mobile Friendly

Access Anytime, Anwhere

Loading in process

Easy to Use

Reducing Common Pain Points

Have an idea to improve Swift?

Swift has created a portal to help you as the customer recommend the ideas that would make Swift easier, and more efficient, for you to use. Submit your first idea today!

Interested in our release notes?

Every release within Swift comes with a set of release notes to keep you in "the know" so that your team can make the most of changes that will benefit you.


Stay Informed of New Features

The Commercial Technology team will continue to share Swift products and its functionality and purpose with you.

We will promote product tutorials, screenshots, and video demos inside Swift to bring product awareness, information, and education. We aim for you to transition your business from ATLAS to Swift.

Complete the form to enroll for email notifications.