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Learn more about why Swift and the team behind Swift.

Why Swift?

Swift offers you a mobile-friendly experience to accomplish two goals with you as our priority. 

  1. Provide you a better experience in every transaction you have with us.
  2. Transform the ATLAS system to make it easier to get information and data you need.  

The Swift roadmap began back in 2019 with our customer experience engagement survey. We asked questions to evaluate customer's perspective and customer's experience, satisfaction levels and loyalty.

From there, the Swift roadmap was born.  With seven major feature releases, with over 330,000 manual hours of development and testing, Swift has completed the deployment of core functionality available in Swift. You can now fully transition your daily responsibilities to Swift.

Don't worry, we're not finished! We will continue to innovate Swift.

Want to Learn More?

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Your Commercial Technology Team


Luke Bell Manager, Commercial Technology
Charles Nesser Supervisor, Project Management
Andrew Weir Business Analyst
Craig Bednar Product Owner
Chrissy Withrow Product Owner
Jessica Prosser Marketing & Customer Success
Jon Lawrence Product Owner
Matt Bayne Product Manager
Michael Kaste Product Manager
Mitch Murry Business and UX Analyst