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Recent Updates

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Swift Product Updates

Release Notes | v 1.15.1 & 1.16.0

Release Date:

Multiple May 2024 Releases

Reconsignment Customer Authorization Supplier Authorization Batches Inventory Reporting

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April 2024 Swift Release Notes

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Multiple April 2024 releases.

Global Monthly Nominations Customer Authorization

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March 2024 Swift Release Notes

Release Date:

Multiple March 2024 releases.

Inventory Reporting Reconsignment Monthly Nominations Batches Customer Authorization Carrier Authorization Global

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Q1 2024 Swift Release Notes

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Batches Reconsignment Monthly Nominations Inventory Reporting Customer Authorization Authorization Sequencing

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Q4 2023 Swift Release Notes

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Reconsignment Terminal Locator Carrier Authorization Inventory Reporting Batches

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March 2023 Swift Release Notes

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Batches APIs

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November 2022 Swift Release Notes

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September 2022 Swift Release Notes

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