Your Ideas, Shared
Introducing THE SWIFT idea portal
Share your ideas to improve your experience with Swift & Swift Dispatch.
Great Minds Innovate.
Do you have an idea that will improve the Swift product?
The Swift Idea Portal provides a forum for all Swift users to submit ideas to improve Swift products and processes. Your feedback helps our teams align with your expectations.
We want you involved! We encourage you to review and take action periodically to see what other users are requesting.
However, there is criteria to using the Idea Exchange.
All submitted ideas go into a pending status until Magellan reviews and posts to the portal. We want to make sure every submission is applicable.
Voting Rules
Now that you're in the portal and taking action, remember:
1. You can only promote an idea once.
2. You cannot change your vote.
3. You cannot promote your own idea.
Submit Your Idea
Our team will review your submission and save into our backlog. This is strictly for submitting ideas pertaining to Swift.
We've got answers to our most commonly asked questions.
This action moves an idea either up or down on the scale. If you like an idea, promote it; this moves the idea up 10 points. If you don't like the idea, demote the idea; this moves the idea down 10 points.
Provide comments on why you voted the way you did to help others understand.
Be specific. Structure your idea in the form of a user story and process so other Magellan users can relate to it. Being able to relate means it's more likely to receive upvotes.
The more our product team knows about an idea - who, what, when, why and how - the more accurate it will be when it's time to prioritize and scope.
You should include these details at minimum:
- What are you trying to do?
- The business reason for the change needed.
- The path to the functionality you are wanting changes (screenshots rock!)
- What is your workaround today, if any.
Our goal is to take these user-voiced, user-voted ideas and scope and plan into our future product roadmaps.